The Canyon by Night

Photo courtesy National Park Service Bryce Canyon

From we to I and back to me. I entered this canyon at night to see, what Henry David Thoreau, wrote by his hand freely. His words rang through my memory. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see”.

Draw breath from here this spring filled life, by flowing river so wild in tide that moves from rock and drowns some too. Thin air that forces a mind of good. Take now thy fault that has grown so cold that guilty conscience of seeds so old, and throw it forward beneath this wash, let foamy waters take now it all. Come forward sky; drop now Gibbous Moon, let sounds nearby now vanish soon. Bring forth the ghost that hold my soul, let them drown knowing I gave them all. Let sin go now beneath my feet in this crazy water on to the sea. Old things made new, from what can be, arise in gladness, harmony.

Impale the blame that holds defeat, O tall slender pines these spikes of trees. That gather branches held in three’s, that root this canyon from all unseen. This eco-system overgrown holds spells of craft of old-time dreams, of spirits gone beyond our view, a sudden chill passes understood. For what is called from up above these rocky walls, echoes align, to bring this man by this cold stream, to swear to cleanse, and know the sheen. Thou shine above from that cold moon, Shekinah earth of lower womb, and cast my way into this stream, let all creation of creator sing. About me here where deer would stay, comes flowing ribbons in G_Ds own name. For night has come it is understood, I summon circles for what I would.

Draw breath from here this spring filled life; a baptized man would dry his eyes. For magic comes with what we do, in streams of old, in modern woods. To let go pain in canyons deep, to rise to G_D whom with we speak. From we to I and back to me, the womb of canyon the ark I seek. So, through a pathway over grown, I walked in June to find my home. I followed down by rocks and trees, while unseen spirits guarded me.

From we to I and back to me. I entered this canyon at night to see, what Henry David Thoreau, wrote by his hand freely. His words rang through my memory. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see”. – 06.06.2018 – דָנִיֵּאל

74 thoughts on “The Canyon by Night

  1. “I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.”
    ― Henry David Thoreau, 😉 ❤ your post, made me think instantly of the above a favorite Thoreau quote of mine.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I enjoyed this post very much Daniel. A lot of detailed lines weaving together the images and philosophies all of which I agree with by the way. One cannot help but feel minuscule when face to face with the grandeur of nature. Very well done my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Daniel I often have new favorites when you write, but “The Canyon by Night” will no doubt be an enduring favorite even as new post come along. The self revelations in your writings often strike me, but none so as here, where you bring yourself into the holy of nature. Bravo author.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Daniel this was wonderful, my favorite line, “Take now thy fault that has grown so cold that guilty conscience of seeds so old, and throw it forward beneath this wash, let foamy waters take now it all.”…Fantastic writing. Thank you.


  5. Daniel you have done “Thoreau” well here. Growing up a few miles from Walden my dad would often take us to visit the site of Henry Thoreau’s cabin. It is such a peaceful place, and I can only imagine you in the Canyonlands feeling that same spirit and having the courage to invite it inside. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      • Your welcome Daniel, they were very special times, and so many lessons from that time period have stayed with me having to do with an appreciation of nature. As to your courage perhaps no striving is needed. 😉


  6. Dear Daniel, now you have written a true favorite for me, although it is in competition with many other writings you have. The philosophy of letting go of this worlds swage that would depress and hold you in such wonderful surroundings and finding yourself, is beautiful. We are not objects we are spirits at least that is what I read into this. Thank you. ❤ Ruby

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ruby, Apologies for such a late reply. I thank you for such a wonderful comment. I wonder at times why it is so hard to let go of those things which weigh us down. It is our j=choice to do so after all. I think you read this right. Happy it is a new favorite for you. Daniel

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  7. My dear brother, I read “The Canyon at Night”, and was enthralled with the depth you put on display of the spirit truly being made free from those bonds that hold it earthward. The loosening of bonds to be one with your creator. Amen. It is as you have written. With respect, your brother, Den

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have always cherished HDT writings Daniel, his thoughts on natural history and the environment, his political philosophy on civil disobedience for a just cause, and his personal relationship with the world around him. I think many of your writings reflect the same discourse as his. This was a masterpiece in my opinion. I thank you for it. Bill


  9. Daniel, many of the lines I found wonderful in this post have already been quoted again, so I shall simply tell you, I would quote the whole post as every part seemed relevant to me. The shedding of conscience burdens into the nature that is provided to us by Hashem, you have captured wonderfully here. I would say this is a new favorite but I know more are to come. ❤


  10. This was magical Daniel, like a smooth dream and the best example of that is the following from your post which I quote, “Draw breath from here this spring filled life; a baptized man would dry his eyes. For magic comes with what we do, in streams of old, in modern woods. To let go pain in canyons deep, to rise to G_D whom with we speak” Thank you. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Daniel you have taken me on another trip into that rarefied air that you breath in your spirit and grace and exhale back in the form of words from a spirit that helps to enhance your readers life if they listen. I know I have. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Your writing is interesting, a pleasant surprise in a sea of prose on personal discontent. Perhaps it all streams from “the thin air that causes a mind of good”. I will be back for more.


  13. The magic in this piece is your writing, Daniel.
    Sew, I am tired, and I saw the line as “what you sew”, not “what you see”
    Nonetheless, I take the Whitby in me, and from me to you to Su (san) I say… It’s some beautiful prose, a gibbous moon and a canyon away!


    • Thank you Resa, I think we see what we need to, I imagine you are tired, that last gown is so beautiful, your magic takes a lot of energy, do rest up fair lady you deserve it. A gibbous moon and an enchanting creation will come your way soon enough. 😉

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